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"Spider-Man: No Way Home" Movie Review

Disclaimer: There are no major spoilers in this movie review of Spider-Man: No Way Home (all that is revealed in this review was also revealed through trailers)

After all the excitement and anticipation, Spider-Man: No Way Home has finally hit theaters and, once again, the MCU delivers another movie that leaves audiences completely amazed.

The movie picks up after the events of Spider-Man: Far From Home, where Spider-Man’s secret identity is revealed to the whole world by Mysterio, the villain from the last film. Peter’s life is completely upturned with the world knowing about his secret identity, making it so that he and his friends can no longer live a normal life.

Desperate to return to his old life, Peter visits Dr. Strange and asks him to cast a spell to make the world forget that he is Spider-Man. The spell goes wrong and instead of erasing the memories of the world, the multiverse opens up, drawing villains from different Spider-Man verses into Peter’s world.

Without giving away any major spoilers, I can honestly say that this movie is very entertaining and exciting. The stakes are high in this movie as Spider-Man must face more than one villain, all of which are villains from past Spider-Man movies.

It is unlike any other Spider-Man film so far. The clashing of multiverses and the high stakes fight scenes between the different characters are breathtaking and will leave you in complete and utter amazement.

Not only does the movie have memorable action scenes, but it is nice to see Peter’s character arc and watch him grow up. After all the events and challenges he faces in the movie, he begins to understand the burdening responsibility of being Spider-Man, showing audiences another side to the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Overall, Spider-Man: Now Way Home is packed with exciting action scenes, humor, and Marvel’s trademark of somehow making superheroes relatable.


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