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Rating Rom-Com Cliches that Never Happen in Real Life

The Makeover -

The main character in this trope is usually an “ugly duckling” nerd who plays down her looks and never gets any guys. But one day she takes her hair out of her ponytail or removes her glasses, and VOILA! She is beautiful.

Movies with this trope: The Princess Diaries, Clueless, She’s all that

Ranking: 6

This trope just makes it seem like the love interest only like someone because they had a glow-up, which seems super artificial. Additionally, the love interest has to change themselves to catch the attention of the other love interest.

High-up Career Woman -

Many romantic comedies center around a woman who is very successful professionally, but comes to realize that she is not where she wants to be romantically. While discovering this, she crosses paths with her soulmate.

Movies with this trope: Notting Hill, You’ve Got Mail, The Proposal

Ranking: 4

We love girl bosses

Kissing in the Rain -

Usually after a big argument or a declaration of love, the couple always kisses in the rain, often followed by dancing.

Movies with this trope: The Notebook, Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Ranking: 2

This trope is one of the reasons I have such high expectations.

The Classic Meet-Cutes -

Whether it be accidentally spilling orange juice on someone’s shirt or reaching for the same book at the bookshop, the couple has to meet, and it nearly always happens in some situation that would never lead to love in real life.

Movies with this trope: Notting Hill, My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Ranking: 3

Another trope that makes my expectations way too high even though they will never happen in real life.

Fake Dating -

Even though the fake dating trope is most often used to make an ex jealous, it nearly always ends up with real feelings developing between the love interests. It often involves a list of rules that the characters never fail to break.

Movies with this trope: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, The Proposal, Just Go With It

Ranking: 1

This is by far my favorite trope, I love it so much that I often read books about it.

Running through the airport -

One of the tropes that you can find in nearly every rom-com movie is the confession right before a character is about to make a drastic decision in their lives, like moving away. This trope often includes the love interest racing through the busy streets of the city, and making it to the airport right before the other love interest enters the plane.

Movies with this trope: The Kissing Booth 2, Love Actually

Ranking: 5

This trope never fails to stress me out, even though I know that everything will work out in the end.

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